ITC Resolution No. 24-01 - A Resolution Urging Collaboration for the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence |
ITC Resolution No. 24-02 - A Resolution Congratulating Sara Hill and Commending Senator Lankford and Senator Mullin for Supporting her Confirmation by the United States Senate |
ITC Resolution No. 24-03 - A Resolution Urging the Federal Communications Commission to establish a specific event code for Missing and Endangered Persons |
ITC Resolution No. 24-04 - A Resolution Supporting a Permanent Tribal Waiver from the Build America, Buy America Act |
ITC Resolution No. 24-05 - A Resolution Urging the United States Department of Agriculture to Support the Expansion of Self-Determination and Self-Governance Authority Throughout the Agency |
ITC Resolution No. 24-06 - A Resolution Urging the Indian Health Service to Continue Funding Housing Projects |
ITC Resolution No. 24-07 - A Resolution Commending Oklahoma Advisory Council on American Indian Education and Supporting Initiatives to Promote American Indian Education Taught in Oklahoma Schools |