Resolutions 2023

ITC Resolution No. 23-01 - A Resolution Supporting Increased JOM Funding
ITC Resolution No. 23-02 - A Resolution To Address Oklahoma Executive Order 2023-01, Addressing the Formation of the Child Welfare Task Force
ITC Resolution No. 23-03 - A Resolution Supporting Expansion of the Advancement of Wellness Advisory Council to Review Cardiometabolic Disease and American Indian Health
ITC Resolution No. 23-04 - A Resolution Supporting Swift Filling of Vacancies on the Oklahoma Advisory Council on Indian Education
ITC Resolution No. 23-05 - A Resolution Supporting a Permanent Extension of the Memorandum NPM-TRUS-43, National Policy to Modernize the Land Description Review Process for Free-to-Trust Acquisitions
ITC Resolution No. 23-06 - A Resolution Urging Congress to amend the laws governing nominations into the Service Academy
ITC Resolution No. 23-07 - A Resolution Supporting The Oklahoma Indian Child Welfare Association applications as the lead agency in the Tribal State Partnership Grant
ITC Resolution No. 23-08 - A Resolution In Support of the Preservation of the Oklahoma Indian Child Welfare Act
ITC Resolution No. 23-09 - A Resolution Supporting the Rights of Native Students to Wear Regalia or Objects of Religious and Cultural Significance at Graduation Ceremonies
ITC Resolution No. 23-10 - A Resolution Calling on Congress to Strengthen Protections Against Fraudulent "Indian" Artists and Artisans
ITC Resolution No. 23-11 - A Resolution Calling on the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration to Preserve Full Telemedicine Flexibility of Medication Assisted Treatment
ITC Resolution No. 23-12 - A Resolution Supporting the President's fiscal year 2024 budget proposal for the Indian Health Service
ITC Resolution No. 23-13 - A Resolution Supporting change to the National Congress of American Indians Constitution and By-Laws regarding Tribal Membership
ITC Resolution No. 23-14 - A Resolution Urging Congress to pass the 2023 Farm Bill with Tribal Priorities Included
ITC Resolution No. 23-15 - A Resolution Calling on the Oklahoma Legislature to Overturn Vetoes of Tribal Compact Extension Legislation
ITC Resolution No. 23-16 - A Resolution Supporting President Biden's FY 2024 Proposal for Mandatory Appropriations for Contract Support Costs and Section 105(l) Tribal Lease Payments
ITC Resolution No. 23-17 - A Resolution Supporting the Nomination of David Woerz for Treasurer of National Congress of American Indians